20 July, 2012



Why am I here?

Have you ever wondered what life is all about? Why were we born into the world in the first place? Is there more to life than this? Can we be truly happy in our life here on earth? The key to understanding the meaning of life and finding true happiness lies in knowing your purpose in life.

The Bible says there is a God who loves you.

This is a good God, who created you to have a relationship with Him and to enjoy His blessings.

Jeremiah 31:3
"The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: 'Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; ..."

John 10:10
"[Jesus says] I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (to have life in all its fullness)."

However, there is a problem.

God has given Man freewill to make choices in life; to do what is right, to do good; or to do what is wrong, to do bad. Sadly, we live in a broken-down world with sin and sickness.

Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

1 John 1:8 (TLB)
"If we say that we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth."

All of us have sinned against God and this sin has broken our relationship with Him. As a result, sin causes us to be separated from our God who loves us. Worst of all, sin has an eternal consequence ...

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, ..."

The eternal consequence of sin an eternity in hell, forever cut off from God and His desire to be with us for eternity.

What is the way out?

Throughout time, man has tried to bridge the gap with God by religion, philosophy and doing good works. But none of these methods can save us or rid us of our sins and reconcile us back to God. The Bible says that there is only one way ...

John 14:6
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."'

Two thousand years ago, God emptied Himself of His glory and came in the form of a human being, Jesus Christ. He personally became the Substitute for you and me to take the punishment of sin.

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

And the reason God did this was because He loves us and wants us to know Him.

Romans 5:8
"But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

What must I do now to be reconciled back to God?

Here’s what you need to do:

(A) Admit that you are a sinner and need to turn from your sins (repentance).

(B) Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died to pay for your sins and He is alive today.

(C) Confess Jesus Christ as Lord (or Master) and invite Him to come into your life.

You may pray a simple prayer like this:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins on the cross. I now open the door of my life and invite you in to be my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life from now on. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. I pray this in Your name, Amen."


Romans 10:9
"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

John 1:12-13 (TLB)
"But to all who received Him, He gave the right to become children of God. All they needed to do was to trust Him to save them. All those who believe this are reborn! - not a physical rebirth resulting from human passion or plan - but from the will of God."

Once we are saved, what is the purpose for living?

The Christian life is a very exciting and supernatural journey!

There are five basic goals in every Christian's life. As you pursue after these goals, you will find a great fulfillment in your life and find yourself growing closer to God.

To know God and to love Him.

To have your character changed to be more like Jesus.

To build meaningful relationships with other Christians.

To use your talents to serve others.

To share this good news with others who have yet to know Christ.

The five goals of worship, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and evangelism can only be properly carried out in the spiritual environment of a local church. So, go and get a Bible today and start reading the Word of God. Then join us at City Harvest or find a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church where you are comfortable in and start attending it regularly as soon as you can.

Welcome to your new life in Christ, my friend. Put on your "seat-belt" and get ready for the great adventure that God has in store for you!

Taken from City Harvest Church's "Your Purpose In Life"

08 July, 2012

Vanilla Twilight- Owl City - Lyrics

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia

Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

it feels great but also sad to be in love, but let's just drench ourselves in vanilla twilight and all things bright and beautiful.

repost from owlcity

Repost from Owlcity

No one has yet believed in God and the kingdom of God, no one has yet heard about the realm of the resurrected and not been homesick from that hour, waiting and looking forward to being released from bodily existence.

Whether we are young or old makes no difference. What are twenty or thirty or fifty years in the sight of God? And which of us knows how near he or she may already be to the goal? That life only really begins when it ends here on earth, that all that is here is only the prologue before the curtain goes up — that is for young and old alike to think about. Why are we so afraid when we think about death? Death is only dreadful for those who live in dread and fear of it. Death is not wild and terrible, if only we can be still and hold fast to God’s Word. Death is not bitter if we have not become bitter ourselves. Death is grace, the greatest gift of grace that God gives to people who believe in him. Death is mild, death is sweet and gentle; it beckons to us with heavenly power if only we realize that it is the gateway to our homeland, the tabernacle of joy, the everlasting kingdom of peace.

How do we know that dying is so dreadful? Who knows whether in our human fear and anguish we are only shivering and shuddering at the most glorious, heavenly, blessed event in the world?

Death is hell and night and cold if it is not transformed by our faith. But that is just what is so marvelous, that we can transform death.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Inspiring. Totally inspiring dont you think? very awesome in my opinion.

On a side note, I have been getting angry at myself for the slightest things that happen. tsk.
the quic ron fox jumpedover the lazy dog
thats what i meant if you get it.
I hate ittttt

03 July, 2012



Yes. These posts are so delicious.

Now, another(yes) repost from Pastor Paul Scanlon's blog.

In the story of Jesus at Mary and Martha’s house (Luke 10) we read that Mary sat at Jesus’ feet whilst Martha was busy feeling stressed out in the kitchen.

Martha never comes off well in this story, tending to be judged rather harshly whenever it is told.
I want to show you another side to this story, which celebrates Martha as much as Mary.

Jesus loved both Mary and Martha (John 11:5), valuing them equally. It’s also clear from the text that the house actually belonged to Martha not Mary (Luke 10:38). So it was Martha who received him into her home.
‘Mary’s’ want to simply worship Jesus but it is the ‘Martha’s’ who build homes where that can happen.

Behind every worshipping Mary there’s an exhausted Martha who takes care of all the things that would prevent and dilute the focus from Jesus.
If the church is all Mary and no Martha, it will be all worship and no structure, but if it’s all Martha and no Mary, it will be all work and no worship.

Martha’s work makes Mary’s worship possible, but if we don’t appreciate this, the Martha types resent the Mary types for not being more practical, and the ‘Marys’ project guilt on the ‘Marthas’ for not being more spiritual.

The reality is that Mary became famous for pouring oil on Jesus feet but it was Martha who burnt the midnight oil for him! We need both; one is not more spiritual or necessary than the other.

I’ve been to ‘all Mary’ churches and, whilst they are very devoted worshippers they can be awful timekeepers, poor organizers and terrible hosts. I’ve also been to ‘all Martha’ churches, highly organized, very hospitable but lifeless and unresponsive to God.
Just as these sisters lived in the same house, we need them both together in God’s house; we need the worship of Mary and the hospitality of Martha.

The church is like a restaurant where everything happens in the kitchen.

People don’t choose a restaurant for its kitchen but rather for its atmosphere, ambience, decor, location, service and food.
The restaurant is calm, peaceful, candlelit. There are wine glasses, white linen, silverware and music.

The kitchen is more like hell than heaven! It’s loud, sweaty, stressful and hectic.
There’s no linen, music or candlelight, and yet that’s the heart of the restaurant. People fall in love with the restaurant not its kitchen.

They recommend the restaurant to their friends and leave others to dine in this new place.

Our problem is when we get more diners – more Marys – who just love the restaurant and we ask them to help in the kitchen; they can get offended.

People may even sign up to work in the restaurant not realising that there’s no real work in the restaurant, it all happens in the kitchen. Marthas live in the kitchen so Marys can enjoy the restaurant but we need more and more Martha’s if we are going to serve more and more Marys.

It’s time to let all the Marthas in your world know just how much you appreciate them.

Repost and something personal

Repost from Pastor Paul Scanlon's blog

Yet again, I’m at the airport!

I am surrounded by thousands of passengers, most of which are not are not here for my plane. I can’t understand why? Because frankly, I think my airline and chosen destination are far better than many others listed on the departure boards.

Yet despite so many not joining us, once aboard the pilot doesn’t start his announcements by saying how upset he is that more people didn’t chose his flight.

He doesn’t take it personally that out of so many, so few have chosen to fly with him and enjoy both his and his cabin crew’s many years of experience, he simply welcomes us on board as his passengers and takes responsibility for the duration of the flight, however long or short it is.

As we leave the plane we are thanked for flying that airline and encouraged to choose them again because, if we fly with them regularly, we can get frequent flyer awards and other benefits.

I think as leaders (or pilots) we can learn from this. Not everybody is going to choose to fly with you so don’t take it personally.

Serve those who did choose you for as long as they’re on board, be it long or short haul because not everyone is a long haul passenger – some just need a lift to the next place and chose you to take them there, so welcome them aboard.
If you serve them well, they may chose to fly with you again or recommend you to other travelers.

Always remember that every frequent flyer was once a first time passenger. Some will become life-long partners with your airline, others will use you just for certain kinds of trips, and on any given day your plane will be full of all types of travelers, from platinum level to day trippers.

Your job as captain and crew is not to park at the gate hoping more will get on board or envying the long queue for other flights, it is to serve those who chose you.

People choose airlines and flights for all manner of reasons and ours is not to question why, ours is just to serve and fly!

Thank you for choosing to read my blog and take this short flight with me today. I look forward to welcoming you on board again soon

This is from me to all who read my blog, whether frequent, blogwalker, or anyone. Do continue reading if you enjoy. I am tired. Yawn,

Never question

A repost

From Pst Paul Scanlon

The Bible says that no matter how many promises God has made they are ‘yes’ in Christ (2 Cor 1:20).

God has a ‘yes’ nature not a ‘no’ nature towards us, and that remains true even when his answer is a ‘no’. God is always for us even when circumstances or people are against us, and like any loving parent he is always for our ultimate welfare and benefit, God is a ‘yes’ God.

Many people perceive that God is a negative God with an occasional ‘yes’, so when their prayers go seemingly unanswered, it simply proves his fundamental reluctance to smile on them. However, a ‘no’ to something is always a ‘yes’ to you, It is not personal.

Remember God said ‘no’ to David and Bathsheba’s baby living, ‘no’ to Paul’s thorn in the flesh been removed and even said ‘no’ to Jesus in Gethsemane.

Each no was still a ‘yes’ to the person involved. What may be a ‘no’ to a specific request is always a ‘yes’ to you, so don’t get upset or offended about a ‘no’ because it is not personal.

God ‘knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future (Jer 29:11).

Those words were spoken to the Hebrews in captivity in Babylon where the context looked like a ‘no’ but God was always saying ‘yes’ to his people even in a negative situation because he sees the big picture. Don’t assume it’s a ‘no’ just because God hasn’t changed your circumstances yet.

Our tendency to live life from event to event means we don’t usually feel any ‘yes’ when positive things aren’t happening. We live from financial blessing, to a new job, to new opportunity, to promotion at work etc. So when we’re between high days we have no theology for the low or ordinary days.

If nothing good ever happened to you again, which it will, it’s still no reflection on God’s ‘yes’ towards you.
The great apostle Paul wrote that God’s a ‘yes’ God even though he had so much suffering in his life despite being totally obedient to God.

He never questioned God’s ‘yes’ towards him. So as you come boldly before that throne of grace today, remember that you don’t need to catch God in a good mood, or on good day. He is like President Kennedy who used to stop whatever he was doing when his kids ran into the oval office. God is for you!

God is a yes God. Even if he doesn't answer, he is a yes, God, and will answer in due time.

Once I ccried out to God, asking for something to happen.
Nothing happened. Then, few months after sorta giving up, he answered.
God is a good God, and his plans are higher than our plans. Always.

God help me!

May today be the last time!
I am gonna be so hard on myself and destroy every comfort zone again.
Come straight in the face of all my fears.
First time I'm gonna do it.
But I will do it.
I have to, got to.
I hate myself for not being able to sleep since two. :(