Read the full article here
Excerpt from the article that really touched me:
Sometimes I’m worried that I can be happy now, and miserable later. I understand the ups and downs in this world, and that’s why I’ve grown comfortable in settling down for just “okay.”But I’ve come to know that I have a bigger God who can give me something more than just okay. I have a God who wants me to feel the joy that I deserve.
In His presence, I am never alone. [God] is quick to heal me when I’m so broken.
God puts happiness in my life as a reminder that all my prayers are being recognized.
I promise to never forget Him because without Him, everything is impossible.
Without Him, I will never feel whole. I will never know what love is. I will never know my purpose. And I will always feel empty.
And I want His kingdom to be my home when my story comes to an end.
And with Him, the empty holes in my heart are always filled by His love.