29 November, 2012

From Rick Warren

A lot of people have great vision. But you’ll never see your vision become a reality unless you communicate it well to others. Many great God-given dreams die in the vision-casting stage. In fact, there are seven particular things you need to make sure your people understand in the process of sharing your vision with them. 1. Who you are. 2. Where are you going 3. Why you are going there. 4. What it feels like to be going there 5. What people can do 6. How you're going to do it 7. What the rewards will be For more, read here: http://pastors.com/how-to-share-gods-vision-for-your-church/2/


  1. Dearest friend! (:

    You have a great destiny in God!
    Keep believing, walking this journey. Lets run this race together!

    Your visions will come to pass!

    "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." - Galatians 6:9

    Smile, ame

