29 March, 2020

Every step an arrival

Recently I bought a book titled 'Every step an arrival'.
The book is a 90-day devotional by Eugene H. Peterson, most famously known for translating the Bible into 'The Message' version. And in one of the devotionals, Peterson asked the reader to name a way where God made a difference in your life. And now to tell the story back to God in song.

So here it is.
Earlier this year, I had appendicitis. And in the darkest moment of my life, God allowed good friends to come into my life to encourage me and made the hospitalisation period much more bearable.

In the darkest moment of my life
You brought me joy
You brought your joy back into my life
You took my pain
I live again
Bringing glory to your name

02 February, 2020

Poem - Struggle

How alone must David have felt? 
Every day out in the open only with the sheep
How alone was David at night?
Only animals and stars are in sight

How lonely was David on the inside?
He tried to fill it with battle and wives
Yet what could bring him delight?

Only when He realise, the Lord is there beside.

01 February, 2020

If you see, believe

Can you imagine? Seeing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus; but some doubted. 
I pray that I can be counted worthy. That this one touch from heaven will change my life.

I pray that if you experience the Saviour, you will not turn back from His Love. 
I need to be more broken.

06 January, 2020


Been thinking about what Pastor Jentezen always speak about fasting and how he always starts the year with fasting....

Death to the carnal nature, death to the old lifestyle.

Fasting. Fasting is really a torture. 

Oh wells, it is time to rest. 
2020 will be a good year. A year of deeper intimacy.

The whole purpose of life is to pursue.
Your purpose is determine by the end of your pursuit.